KLPA ARCHIVE LAUNCH 6.30-7.30pm Thursday 12 November 2020 on Zoom

After many years of work our KLPA Archive has been deposited at the Bishopsgate Institute and is about to be launched online.

The archive documents the pleasures and struggles of the swimming community, dating back to the early 20th century, with photos, films, paintings, artefacts, newsletters, press cuttings and documents.

The pond community has come under attack many times over the years, with warnings against cold water swimming, threats of closure, dam building and vandalism. The most recent challenge has been the City of London’s decision to enforce and increase admission fees, reducing access for many women who depend on it for their physical and mental wellbeing.

We’ll be launching the archive on Zoom by showing a selection of images and hearing contributions from swimmers who’ve enjoyed the pond and defended our community.

The tickets are free and can be obtained here.  A limited number of tickets is available and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.